I cut off 10 inches for locks of love, and didn't stop there!
This picture was at James and Carly's wedding :) Justin was a groomsmen and it was a beautiful wedding-- one of many to come this year! We loved being part of their special day!
1) I'm married to the man of my dreams!
2) My middle name is from James 1:2
3) My dream job would be to sing anywhere and everywhere, especially on Broadway…
4) I love fresh salsa
5) Flowers are amazing, white or pink roses are my favorite
6) I like new socks; they look and feel so clean :)
7) I love things that smell good...laundry soap, febreeze, candles, perfume, flowers,
8) I'm left handed (south paw!)
9) I have alopecia...meaning sometimes stress causes me to loose hair (i know weird!)
10) I love the stars, especially in the summer in Othello
11) I think pearls are beautiful
12) I gave my life to Jesus when I was 7
13) My mom and my sister are my best girl friends!
14) I want to teach kindergarten :)
15) Last fall I became a tea drinker
16) I love snuggling with blankets
17) I used to hate running, now I really like it
18) I used to get so tan in the summer my family would joke that I was adopted
19) My car's name is Lucy
20) My parents made me take piano lessons and I didn't like it, now I love it!
21) Summer is my favorite time of year, the hotter the better :)
22) I hate monopoly or games like it
23) I have a cat named skittles :)
24) I love to watch musicals!
25) 7th grade volleyball is the only official team sport I ever played.